Friday, January 21, 2011

Diversed Davao

Despite of modernization Davao City is enriched with values, culture, and tradition. Because the community of native people such as Mandayas, B’laans, Mansakas, Manobos, Atas, and Lumads still have the sense of continuance of their believes and practices. The local government is also active in introducing the local culture showing the significance of their existence to the new generation.

These tribes were the first Christians who were ruled-over by the Spaniards during the Spanish occupation. It was in the year 1848 when a chapel (named Nueva Vergara) was built under the power of Oyanguren, a Spanish ruler. Thereafter, a military government was settled in the said chapel and had been named the 4th district of Mindanao. Later on, the name Nueva Vergara was recognized as Davao, its innate term.

The mining, fishing and agricultural industry keeps the economy of Davao City flourished. The abundance of crops like Banana, copra, corn, abaca is the major product of the agriculture industry. Durian and Mangosteen are considered as king and queen of Philippine fruits, making Davao the country's fruit basket.

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